The Friends have devised walking trails around the University campuses. These may be available to local groups. Please contact thefriends (usual at sign) for further information.
Our Whiteknights Heritage Leaflets are available at: informal series of get-togethers 3pm-430pm first Sunday of each month to find out how one of the Friends’ grants worked out. Non-members welcome to come along and find out something about the Friends. No need to book but to stay in touch please email: thefriends usual at sign
Note: occasionally we may coincide with another event and alter the date/time – please check on the website. We have a break July & August, returning first Sunday in September. If you have a particular grant whose fate you would like to pursue do let us know via thefriends usual at ...
Talk by Tom Whipple on electromagnetic warfare in WW2:
Wednesday 12 November 2025 at 4.00 pm in the Meadow Suite,
WhiteknightsTom Whipple is author of “Battle of the Beams: the secret science of radar that turned the tide of the second world war” and science editor at The Times. He has been covering science for the paper since 2012. He writes news, features, reviews and commentary across the paper, as well as appearing regularly on Times Radio. Tom joined The Times shortly after graduating with a degree in mathematics. During the course of his job he has visited the tunnels ...
The Annual General Meeting will be preceded by a visit at 3.00 pm to the School of Art in its new home next to Pepper Lane. Tea at 4.00 pm will be followed by the association’s Annual General Meeting at 5.00 pm. Details will be sent out nearer the day.
The Friends’ Heritage Open Days team is planning the venues and details for the events to be held in September 2025. The University has agreed that the team can hold them on Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 September. Locations, details of the events and booking arrangements have yet to be agreed and will be included in a later issue of the Events List.
Details to follow.
Visit to Kelmscott Manor and Society of Antiquaries, Wednesday 16 July
2025A coach trip to Kelmscott Manor, on the river Thames at Lechlade in Gloucestershire, which was the retreat of William Morris and is now owned by the Society of Antiquaries. It contains an outstanding collection of his possessions and works of Morris, as well as of his family and associates. This includes furniture, original textiles, pictures and paintings, carpets, ceramics and metalwork. The estate also boasts a beautiful garden with easy access to the Thames Pathway, as well as a licensed tearoom and shop. Booking details will be sent ...
The Whiteknights Studio Trail, co-founded 25 years ago by our fellow member Jenny Halstead, will be open from 11am to 6pm on Saturday 7 and Sunday 8 June in June this year. Venues will include the University’s Museum of English Rural Life.
The Studio Trail map will be issued in due course or can be obtained in May
at 3pm; Talk 4pm by Dr Margaret Simmons who will outline the progress of the demand for women’s suffrage in Reading from 1866, when a national petition was signed by just one supporter in the town. Please use the form that was enclosed with information already sent to members to say if you will be coming to the talk, and whether you would like tea.
Visit to Typography Department to learn about some of their ephemera collection on the subject of Entertainment. Numbers limited so booking essential. Contact Peter Must at mustpeter (at sign) tel 0118 9781671. Please say if you need a parking permit
The first of two trips with FIne Art alumnus Martin Kaufman along the Arcadian Thames. Numbers limited and booking essential. Please contact Brenda Morris by email or telephone at.: tel. 01635 869594 before 27 February.
2-4pm Reading Canoe Club, The Warren, Reading RG4 7TH which has fantastic views of the final stages of the Head of the River. Join students for tea while watching the racing and find out about our latest grant to the Boat Club.
In 2023 we gave a grant to Ramanjeep Nijjar, a first year Zoology student, who was working to re-form the RUSU Hedgehog Society. The Society has blossomed and in December 2024 Ramanjeep became BBC Countryfile’s Young Countryside Champion.. Meet current members of the Society at 3pm in the SCR, first floor, Park House, Whiteknights.
Explore one of our 1927 grants – a Greek pot for Dr Annie Ure – and meet staff who have been exploring the use of AI. Followed by tea upstairs in the SCR, Park House. Dr Ed Ross used an AI system run by Suno Inc to produce a couple of songs about our grants. Click to hear one of them
Join us at 3pm in the MERL shop for the International Museum Shop Sunday. We’ll look at Edith Morley’s memoire – one of the books we’ve helped with a grant and you’ll have excellent opportunity for Christmas Shopping.
Investigating ceramic pots at the South entrance to London Rd campus followed by tea in the Dairy cafe.
Meet at 3pm by the entrance next to the cafe under the red ‘sails’.
Professor Anne Curry was in the History Department before moving to Southampton. She was appointed Arundel Herald Extraordinary in 2022 – the first woman to be appointed as a herald in England. Her talk will cover the origins, development and activities of the heralds of the College of Arms.
The programme will be issued to members in advance.
The Friendship Gate was installed at the behest of the Chancellor, Lord Carrington, to mark the Japanese/Anglo friendship with Gyosei College.
Meet under the clocktower on London Rd campus at 3pm. Followed by tea in the SCR, Acacias. £1 cash
Foxhill House on the Whiteknights Campus will be open for tours at 11am and 12.15
Booking is essential. Please see at 11am and 12.15 of the University of Reading’s Great Hall on the London Road campus, RG1 5AQ
Booking is essential.
For details please see: meet by the bridge (it’s the one you get to on Whiteknights going down with Chemistry on your right and Park House on your left). We’ll be joined by our in-house heritage experts John Grainger, Dennis Wood and Ian Burn and afterwards repair to the SCR or Park House bar for tea (cake provided in the SCR – tea £1/cup please bring change).
A guided tour of the material held by the Society of Antiquaries, arranged by our chairman, Professor Mike Fulford, and led by the Director of Development, Dominic Wallis, combined with a visit to the adjacent Geological Society arranged by Professor Peter Worsley, member of The Friends.
The East Reading Festival, a community-focused festival, will take place in Palmer Park from 12 noon to 6 pm on Sunday 23 June.
With a music stage, a spoken-word/poetry stage, a funfair, food from around the world and a wide variety of community, charity and commercial stalls, there is something for everyone at East Reading Festival. The Friends of the University will have a stand so do come along to see us and all the other events.
The Whiteknights Studio Trail will be open from 11am to 6pm on Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 of June this year. Venues will include the University’s Museum of English Rural Life. The Studio Trail map will be issued in due course or can be obtained in May at by the border planted for our late member Jill Betts in the Harris Garden at 3pm. Bring picnic tea if desired. Non-members welcome. Booking not essential.
This Festival, hosted by the University and the Students’ Union, will take place between 10.30 am and 3.30 pm. The Festival is designed to give the people of Reading a free, local day out and to bring some vibrancy to the heart of Whiteknights Campus. The day will be action-packed with live performances, workshops, competitions and much more. The Friends of the University will provide a stall at the event. No booking required.
In association with Reading’s Economy and Destination Agency (REDA) Chris Rayner and colleagues among The Friends have volunteered to lead guided walks round Whiteknghts and London Road during the Walks Festival in May. Details will be sent out in due course.
We will be visiting the Bee Meadow on London Road which was part funded by our grants. The planting is designed to be particularly insect friendly and the area supports the work of the Institute of Education in teaching children. Followed by the nearby Dairy Cafe (once the teaching block for dairying on campus). No need to book. All welcome.
John Mullaney is a member of The Friends and holds first and postgraduate degrees from the University, as does his wife Lindsay. Booking essential via form already sent to members.