Talk by Professor Anne Curry about Heralds and History: Wednesday 30 October 2024 at 4.15 pm in the Meadow Suite, Whiteknights
Professor Curry worked at this University from 1978 to 2004, and was Head of the Department of History before moving to the University of Southampton to become Head of History and later Dean of the Faculty of Humanities. She is Past Master of the Worshipful Company of Fletchers and is well known for her researches on the battle of Agincourt. She was appointed Arundel Herald Extraordinary in 2022 – the first woman to be appointed as a herald in England. Her talk will cover the origins, development and activities of the heralds of the College of Arms.
Tea/coffee with cakes, will be available from 3.00 pm in the Meadow Suite, Park House, and will be followed by the talk at 4.15 pm. Details and booking arrangements will be issued in due course.