Category Archives: document
Grant Making Policy
Officers and Trustees
Mike Fulford – ChairDennis Wood – Deputy Chair
Peter Must – Secretary
Brenda Morris – Membership Secretary
Rod Austen – Treasurer
Annette Haworth – Grants Officer
Complaints procedure
Volunteer Management
Health and Safety
Data Protection Policy
Conflict of Interest
Code of Conduct
Public Liability Insurance
Membership application form (.docx for use with Microsoft Word)
History of the Friends
In 1926, the year in which the University obtained its Royal Charter, “it was agreed that an Association, to be called ‘The Friends of The University of Reading’, should be formed on an entirely voluntary and unofficial basis, with the object of bringing friends and supporters into contact with the University and of enabling them to promote its interests and welfare”. The Association started on 15 March 1927 with a Scheme of Association.
The Association gave (and still gives) grants to further the work of the University. The history of these can be found on the Grants page.
The Association became an Association Charitable Incorporated Organisation registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales in 2017 number 1173347.