Reading and the Great War poster March 13, 2016onreadingandthegreatwarAnnette.Haworth
Reading and the Great War slideshow March 13, 2016onreadingandthegreatwarAnnette.Haworth This slideshow requires JavaScript.
Some past events March 2, 2016oneventspageAnnette.Haworth AGM 8 July 2020Visit to Silchester Roman Baths 1 July 2020East Reading Festival 21 June 2020Big Band Lunch 30 May 2020Art & History of Whiteknights 6 13 20 June 2020Fifty raids of grey: how people affect urban wildlife 11 March 2020Head of the RIver Race 29 February 2020Climate services for developing countries 6 NovemberAnnies Box Ure Museum 9 October 2019Trip to Docklands 5 October 2019Heritage Open Days 14 and 21 September 2019Exhibition: “In Reading Gaol by Reading Town” 4 Sept 2019Hidden Women in the Archive: Collectors, Curators and Cataloguers: handling session 21 AugustRoman Baths Silchester 13 July 2019AGM 10 July 2019East Reading Festival 23 June 2019Whiteknights trailBig Band Lunch Saturday 1 June 2019Battleaxes and Benchwarmers 13 MarchHead of the River Race 9 March 2019Public lecture 21 November 2018Fallen soldiers and their families 31 October 2018Visit to Bermondsey and Rotherhithe 20 October 2018The Acacias and Britain’s first female professor 8/9 & 15/16 SeptemberVisit to Silchester 18 July 2018Family Fun Day 23 June 2018East Reading Festival 17 June 2018AGM and visit to Art departmentArchitecture School end of year exhibition June 2018Big Band Lunch Sunday 3 June 2018123>>