Some past events March 2, 2016oneventspageAnnette.Haworth Launch of sculptures installation in Classics/Ure Museum 17 AprilWhiteknights heritage trail talk & exhibition 12 April 2018University Orchestra Concert 10 March 2018Reading 2050 talksHead of the river race Feb/March 2018University Choirs at Christchurch 7 December 2017University Carol Service 4 December 2017Big Band 25 November 2017Visit to new School of Architecture 1 November 2017Visit to Deptford & Woolwich 7 October2017All of a Twist at the Turbine House 6 Sept 2017Visit to new Silchester dig 26 August 2017Community Treasures at the MERL Saturday 8 July 2017College of BenefactorsYearly Meeting at London Road on Wednesday 21 June 2017The Friends at the East Reading Festival on 25 June 2017Big Band Big Lunch Sunday 4 June 2017Heritage Trail Day Sunday 7 May 2017Talk about the National Fruit Collection Wednesday 22 March 2017Head of the River Race Saturday 4 March 2017Cole Museum of Zoology 2 November 2016Tour of Naval and Royal Greenwich 8 October 2016Special view – Reading & its Rivers @ The Turbine House 8 SeptemberVale of Pewsey Archaeological dig open day 15 July 2016Yearly Meeting @ Aberleigh 29 JuneUniversity Homecoming 25 JuneVisit to Lord Carrington’s Gardens at Bledlow 22 JuneEast Reading Festival 19 June 2016University Big Band lunch 5 June 2016Visit to the Ure Museum 20 April<<123>>