Is cocoa good for brain function?


At the University of Reading we are looking for healthy non-smokers aged 60-75 years who would like to take part in a study investigating the long-term effects of a cocoa-based supplement on cognitive performance and the brain.

Taking part in this 36-week study would involve consuming a cocoa-based supplement daily for 24 weeks and attending the University on three mornings to provide a blood sample, complete some questionnaires and computer-based tasks, and undergo ultrasound of an artery in your upper arm as well as brain imaging. You would need to arrive fasted but food would be provided during the visit. In addition, you would be asked to bring a 24-hour urine sample with you.

We would be very grateful for your assistance and you would be compensated for your time and travel expenses.

Eligibility to participate would be determined following a screening visit but if you are generally healthy, do not have a pacemaker or metal implants, are not on any dietary restrictions and do not take medication for blood pressure or diabetes, we would love to hear from you.

Please contact Anja or Georgina from the research; (m) 07580 237963.

Cocoa & Cognition Study Team
Drs Georgina Dodd & Anja Hayen
Hugh Sinclair Unit of Human Nutrition,
Food & Nutritional Sciences,
Food Biosciences Building,
University of Reading,
Reading,RG6 6AP.
Study mobile (Mon-Fri 10am-6pm): 07580 237963