four photos second time
Friends on the Majestic Bel
Croquet outside the Old Library
Chairman Andrew Palmer & organiser Dennis Wood with visitors in the Old Dairy
three photos second time
Acacias Lawn
Reception in the Old Library
Trooper Potts maquette
two photos second time
Education Inst. experiment
John Grainger leading a tour
one photo second time
Great Hall organ recital
four photos
Holding on to our neighbours tent - ours blew away 2017
The Tanzanian High Commissioner at the exhibition in Parliament Oct 2019
Journalist Robert Peston
The Home Secretary and Dr Jacqui Turner
three photos
Holding on to our neighbours tent - ours blew away 2017
The Tanzanian High Commissioner at the exhibition in Parliament Oct 2019
Journalist Robert Peston
two photos
Holding on to our neighbours tent - ours blew away 2017
The Tanzanian High Commissioner at the exhibition in Parliament Oct 2019
one photo
Holding on to our neighbours tent - ours blew away 2017
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This album is experimental.
Please email
thefriends at
if you find a problem or if you have photos you would like included.
The Friends of the University of Reading
Photograph Album